My Aspire计划:你获得学位的指导性途径.

My Aspire计划(MAP)是你4年职业生涯和生活的综合导航工具. The MAP tracks your progress through The Aspire Program and demonstrates and makes meaning of your on- and off-campus experiences.

你将在全球十大赌钱排行app大展身手, 因此,让MAP帮助你设计通往职业准备和成功生活的道路吧.

About MAP

你的MAP不仅仅是一张每年要完成的复选框列表. It helps you to be intentional about your Carthage experience and uncover how your experiences are connected.


  • 创建一个发展性电子作品集
  • Develop key competencies desired by your future employers (and potential graduate/professional schools if your path includes continuing your education)
  • 准备好面试并展示你“最好的”时刻
  • 通过排行榜与一些友好的火鸟比赛赚取积分奖励

The combination of micro-learning experiences and portfolio features of MAP will help you to eventually prepare for interviews and to develop your professional portfolio. (Professional portfolios are compilations of your “best of” moments that are presented according to the expectations for careers and continuing education you plan to pursue.)

Students gain valuable skills through all facets of the Carthage experience and we want to help you find and get connected to events, courses, workshops, 以及帮助你发展你所渴望的技能和心态的机会. 这就是为什么MAP利用来自各个学术部门的学生可以获得的机会, The Aspire Center, and campus-wide programs in order to provide a structured learning experience that will develop students’ career readiness.

The Aspire Center developed a list of nine competencies that reflect the top skills employers and graduate/professional schools most often seek from graduates that are also the key ingredients in developing skills in entrepreneurship, leadership, creativity, and career development.

MAP组织这些能力, to make it easier for students to see their progress and translate their most meaningful educational experiences into the language employers expect.

  • Vision and Purpose
  • 创造性和批判性思维
  • 跨文化发展
  • Reflection and Growth
  • Digital Fluency
  • 协作与团队合作
  • Fired Up: Get Connected
  • Communication
  • Contribution


Try Something New badge

Try Something New

Participating in events and experiences both on- and off-campus is a pivotal part of getting connected (and having FUN!) at Carthage. 保持好奇心,抓住机会去探索新的机会——你永远不知道它们会把你引向何方!


Securing Experiences

寻找实习机会, career, graduate school and other experiences is more than simply scrolling through job board websites and blindly applying. 制定一个计划,为自己的成功做好准备, using your networks, 了解你所在行业的招聘流程.



跨文化发展计划 (IDP) walks you through building your personal action plans after completing the IDI (跨文化发展 Inventory) through a comprehensive four-step developmental process.



拥有创业的心态可以帮助所有的学生,不管他们未来的职业生涯目标是什么. This achievement is the first phase in which you’ll explore and identify ways to build an entrepreneurial mindset.

Telling Your Story badge

Telling Your Story

The ability to clearly articulate your experiences and how they connect to your obtained skills can help future employers and leaders have insight to how your skills match with their needs.

Make Connections badge

Making Connections

Nearly 80 percent of jobs are not posted which means the relationships you make have an impact on your career and life trajectory. 获得建立、管理和维护人际关系的洞察力.



准备一套专业文件,为自己未来的机会做好准备. 通过完成这一成就,你将创建一份简历、求职信和必要的在线简介.


Experiential Learning

Do you have a job? 你参加过学生组织吗? Have you done research? Be sure to track your experiential learning moments so you can have everything in one place when creating your professional resumes!

当你浏览The Aspire Program时,把你的MAP当成你的Fitbit. For instance, 你知道你应该锻炼, 但一个有益的推动和一些竞争可以把你从思考到实际行动.

Aspire's MAP 随着你在MAP中完成的每一个经验, 你可以通过能力发展获得积分和升级.

当你升级时,你可以获得奖励并解锁额外的成就! 你也可以查看地图排行榜,看看你的同伴火鸟是如何进展的.


  • 每个成就的贴纸
  • Fidget Popper

The Aspire 4-Year Plan


  • 制定你的iAspire计划.
  • Consult with your registration specialist and academic advisor(s) to shape your academic plan in relation to your goals and interests.
  • 参加Aspire的第一年课程, 包括The Aspire Conference, to meet faculty, peer mentors, and key alumni, 了解你的Aspire career specialist.
  • Build or update your Handshake profile and resume in consultation with your Career Specialist and career ambassadors.
  • 参与至少一个与抱负计划的主要目标相关的额外发展机会. Students have access to curricular and co-curricular options to explore careers/areas of study and test curiosities.
  • Try something new — take at least one course or participate in other new activities; then, 反思你的学习,以决定是否继续从事这些经验或尝试其他新的选择.
  • Consider taking the Career Planning and Preparation course or another great course that expands your perspective or helps you explore options for a major or minor.
  • 参与大二领导和兴趣识别活动.
  • Develop a list of professional directions (as best you know them) and the relevant skills that may be required to pursue those options.
  • Identify an emerging team of mentors and engage with your Aspire Career Specialist to determine the support you need to secure a meaningful experiential learning opportunity.
  • Participate in at least one additional developmental opportunity related to The Aspire Program key goals to hone your career readiness, entrepreneurship, creativity, and leadership skills.


  • 确保至少有一个额外的与你期望的职业选择相关的体验式学习机会. 这将提供一种扩展的沉浸体验. 例子包括实习, research opportunity, study abroad, job, 或者其他可以延续整个暑假或学期的经历.
  • 参加Aspire会议, 个人发展的代际专业发展会议, 并为低年级学生和同龄人提供见解. 高年级学生的发展经验将侧重于打磨和表达技能, 以及转换技能.
  • Contact at least three professionals in your fields of interest to receive direct feedback on your preparedness for life after Carthage.
  • 考虑参加“后全球十大赌钱排行app时代”课程,通常在j学期提供.
  • 参加模拟面试,为找工作/实习或研究生/专业学校面试做准备.


  • 积极申请就业,研究生/专业学校,奖学金或其他机会.
  • 继续更新iAspire计划,起草研究生专业发展需求.
  • Continue to follow up with your Aspire Career Specialist and mentor network after you graduate to update your plans.
  • Celebrate success and build resilience as you apply what you’ve learned to the challenges and opportunities of transitioning into Life After Carthage. Maintain contact with your Career Specialist and others in your support network; alumni retain access to The Aspire Center services and resources after graduation for help when you need it.
  • After you graduate, consider mentoring current students through The Aspire Network and continue to develop and maintain relationships with your support network.

All students will consult with their Aspire Career Specialists to develop and update their personalized iAspire plans throughout their time at Carthage. Transfer, international, 成人学生可能会有特别的考虑, such as accelerated timelines and/or outside commitments that may require creative approaches to facilitate desired plans.