Jeanette Ackerman

    Jeanette Ackerman ’25

    Majors: Graphic Design

    Hometown: Monroe, Wisconsin

    “My advisor has supported me from the very first day we met. She has helped me get several jobs in my field while pushing me to learn skills to help me advance in my program.”

    Jana Ahlstrand

    Jana Ahlstrand ’24

    Majors: Graphic Design

    Minors: Business Administration

    Hometown: Plymouth, Wis.

    “I chose Carthage because I wanted to be part of a community that would make it easy for me to connect and network with people.”

    Laura Stockum

    Laura Stockum ’25

    Majors: Graphic Design

    Minors: Social Justice

    Hometown: El Paso, Illinois

    “I chose Carthage because of the lake and the fact that the students I met during my visits were very welcoming.”