向下滚动阅读全球十大赌钱排行app提供的计算机科学课程的描述, or click on these links for additional resources:


CSC 1030 / 4学分
本课程向学生介绍数据分析所需的基本技能:数据操作和可视化, statistical summarization, and problem-solving using data. No prior programming experience is needed, 学生将精通在现代计算机环境中编写代码.


CSC 1040 / 4学分
本课程向学生介绍复杂数据分析任务所需的数据结构和算法. No prior programming experience is needed, 学生将学习计算机科学的原理,这将使他们在未来的编程努力中受益.
Prerequisite: CSC 1030 with a grade of C or better

Introduction to Computing (QR)

CSC 1100 / 4学分
为没有编程经验的学生介绍计算机编程的艺术和科学. Topics covered include the historical development of computing, the basic operating principles of computers, 并介绍如何使用一种或多种高级计算语言解决问题, 比如Python. Intended for nonmajors/nonminors. Does not count toward major or minor in CSC.


CSC 1710 / 4 credits
本课程提供了游戏设计的实践基础,重点是概念开发, 原型设计, and 设计 decomposition. Students learn how to translate game ideas, 主题, and metaphors into gameplay, game concept pitches, and 设计 documents using game 设计 principles, physical 原型设计, and iterative development suggestive of Agile methods.

Principles of 计算机科学 I

CSC 1810 / 4学分
编写计算机程序和解决问题的基础知识, using structured and 面向对象的 techniques. 面向未来主修和辅修计算机科学和辅修游戏开发的学生. 我们强烈建议学生在第一学年的秋季学期选修这门课程.

Principles of 计算机科学 II

CSC 1820 / 4学分
The emphasis of this course is on problem-solving. 当学生们面对越来越具有挑战性的编程问题时,他们将成熟为问题解决者.
Prerequisite: CSC 1810 with a C- or higher
春季开学, with limited Fall availability


CSC 2030 / 4学分
本课程通过调查数据科学的基础主题,向学生介绍数据科学的过程, namely data manipulation, data analysis with statistics, communicating results via data visualization, and data at scale (working with big data). 


CSC 2210 / 4 credits
对适用于不同问题解决范例的几种编程语言的语言设计问题和运行时行为的调查, 功能, 面向对象).
Prerequisite: CSC 1820 with a C or higher

Computer Organization

CSC 2510 / 4 credits
A study of the logical organization of computers, including combinatorial and sequential digital logic, 计算机算术, 和电路. Machine and assembly languages, 内存, addressing techniques, 中断, and input-output processing also are studied.
Prerequisites: CSC 1120 and either MTH 1060 or MTH 1240 Spring

Data Structures and 算法

CSC 2560 / 4学分
Prerequisite: CSC 1820 with a C- or higher


CSC 2710 / 4学分
Video games are serious work. Reaching far beyond the multibillion-dollar gaming industry, 电子游戏开发的经验越来越多地转化为需要模拟的不同领域, 培训, and easy-to-use interfaces. This course introduces students to the game development and 设计 process. Students will build games representative of a variety of genres. This is a project-based course.
Corequisite: CSC 1810 or instructor permission


CSC 2720 / 4 credits
CSC 2710游戏开发I的延续,重点是三维环境. This is a project-based course.
Prerequisite: CSC 2710 with a C- or better


CSC 2730 / 4学分
CSC 2720游戏开发II的延续,专注于高级主题,如保存系统和多人游戏.
Prerequisite: CSC 2720 with a C- or better

Database Design and Management

CSC 2810 / 4学分
An introduction to database methods including data models (relational, 面向对象的, 网络, and hierarchical); database 设计 and modeling; implementation and accessing methods; and SQL. 学生将使用数据库管理系统设计并实现一个数据库.
Prerequisite: CSC 1820 with a C- or higher

Object-Oriented Programming

CSC 2910 / 4学分
An introduction to 面向对象的 设计 techniques including encapsulation, 继承, 和多态. 本文还介绍了现代面向对象编程语言的其他特性, including exception handling, 垃圾收集, 事件处理, 和线程. A modern 面向对象的 language such as Java will be used.
Prerequisite: CSC 1820 with a C- or higher


CSC 3210 / 4 credits
语言设计问题和适用于不同问题解决范例的几种编程语言的运行时行为的调查, 功能, 面向对象).
Prerequisite: CSC 2560 with a C- or higher

Computer Organization

CSC 3510 / 4学分
A study of the lower levels of computers. Machine and assembly languages, 内存, addressing techniques, 中断, and input-output processing are also studied. This course compliments CSC 4370 操作系统. 鼓励学生在春季学习本课程,并在秋季学期学习CSC 4730.
Prerequisite: CSC 2560 with a C- or higher

Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Modeling

CSC 3530 / 4学分
本课程探讨了开发计算机程序的主要方法,这些程序显示了我们认为是智能的特征. 学生将分析智能系统是如何开发和实施的,重点是探索人类在认知任务上的行为如何被用来为这些人工系统的开发提供信息, 以及这些人工系统的性能和行为如何告诉我们对人类认知的理解.
Prerequisite: CSC 2560 with a C- or higher or with permission of instructor


CSC 3600 / 4 credits
对包括信号编码在内的数据通信和通信网络的一门考试, 多路复用, circuit and packet-switched 网络s, TCP / IP, 广域网, 局域网, 和内部网. Particular emphasis is placed on socket-based, multi-threaded programming.
Prerequisite: CSC 2560 with a C- or higher

Game Engine Programming

CSC 3710 / 4学分
在本课程中, 学生将使用实体等方法创建自己的2D游戏引擎, 组件, and Systems architecture. 学生将开发自己的动画,物理,碰撞和寻径系统. Students will also be required to create a level editor for their engine. This is a projects-based course. 
Prerequisite: CSC 2560 with a C- or higher


CSC 3750 / 4 credits
本课程研究各种解决问题的策略,并检视分类, 设计, 复杂性, and efficiency of algorithms.
Prerequisites: CSC 1820 with a C- or higher and either MTH 1060 or MTH 1240

Computer Graphics (AI)

CSC 3770 / 4学分
鉴于计算机图形在现代文化中无处不在(以电脑游戏等形式), 电影, and other kinds of visual entertainment), 它的配方和构造的深刻的技术性质可以被忽视. 本课程介绍计算机图形学,涵盖线性代数的各个方面, 几何, color, 愿景, and the unique nature of modern graphics programming. This course is project driven.
Prerequisite: CSC 2560 with a C- or higher

Foundations of 计算机科学

CSC 3810 / 4学分
This course examines various models of computation, including finite and pushdown automata and recursive functions. Language grammars, parsing, and 复杂性 classes also are studied. 特别的安排.
Prerequisite: CSC 3750


CSC 4000 / 4学分
Students review and discuss current issues and trends in computer science. 在这门课程中,学生将完成他们的毕业论文.

Software Design and Development

CSC 4350 / 4 credits
使用结构化和面向对象的方法对软件开发过程进行检查,从分析到维护. Students work together on a team project. Should be taken in the Spring term of junior year.
Prerequisite: CSC 2560 with a C- or higher


CSC 4500 / 2-4 credits
Prerequisite: CSC 2560

Computer Architecture

CSC 4650 / 4学分
学生研究各种计算机体系结构,包括冯·诺依曼模式, RISC / CISC, and parallel architectures. 
Prerequisite: CSC 3510 with a C- or better


CSC 4730 / 4学分
包括进程在内的多任务操作系统的基本组成部分和概念的研究, 调度, 资源管理, I/O和文件系统, 虚拟内存, 安全, 和信号量. This course is project intensive.
Prerequisite: CSC 2560 with a C- or higher

Research in 计算机科学

CSC 4900 / 1-4 credits
Prerequisites: CSC 1820 with a C or higher and instructor approval

Senior Thesis Completion

CSC 4990 / 0学分
学生应在他们打算完成并发表毕业论文的学期内注册CSC 4990.