Part of what makes 全球十大赌钱排行app so special is the personal attention our students receive. We realize that students may face a challenge or roadblock which may interfere with completing their education. In the true Carthage spirit, we are here to help and assist all students to reach their goals and complete their education. 

Are you a current Carthage student with questions about financial aid? Has a situation developed that is not allowing you to continue your education? Has there been a change in your family’s financial situation? The Office of Student Financial 服务 continues to be a resource for all students, throughout their time at Carthage.


We understand that even with the best planning and utilizing all the resources at your disposal, there still might be times when you need assistance to pay for an unexpected expense caused by an emergency. The 学生应急基金 includes donations from alumni, 书院之友, 父母, and community members to assist current students with funds to cover unexpected expenses.

These funds provide relief for an immediate need resulting from an emergency. They will not be awarded to cover a gap on, 或者无力支付, fixed costs paid directly to Carthage, such funds to cover tuition, 费用, 或者食宿. Priority will be given to students who have fully taken advantage of student loan opportunities available to them (including students who have taken alternative loans to cover expenses). In most cases, Carthage will make direct payments or purchase items needed. In extremely rare cases, these grants will be awarded in the form of a check to the student. Emergency funds do not need to be repaid and are distributed on a case-by-case basis.


Examples of emergency expenses that may qualify for grants include (but are not limited to):

  • Technology needs (such as a laptop or laptop charger)
  • Unexpected or emergency travel
  • 书籍及用品
  • 保险
  • Medical expenses, medication, or medical supplies
  • Application 费用 for immigration, non-medical testing, or other processes
  • 运输
    • Personal car expenses (car repairs, car payments, or insurance)
    • Expected travel to/from campus at the beginning and end of each semester or during breaks
    • 个人的航班
    • Travel to/from campus for course placements (clinicals, student teaching, etc.)
  • 校外住房需求
    • 租金及水电费
    • Grocery and toiletry assistance

You will be contacted to meet with a staff member to discuss your circumstance and then they will consult with campus partners, 包括 Office of Student Financial 服务. This fund is not associated with the financial aid application process. Financial aid applicants who have special circumstances that relate directly to the financial aid process should contact the Office of Student Financial 服务. The Office of Student Financial 服务 coordinates this program and a committee reviews the applications to determine eligibility. The amount given is determined by the need and subject to the availability of the funds.


All current students attending Carthage classes who are in need of emergency funding assistance are encouraged to apply. You will be contacted after you submit your application to schedule a meeting with a member of our staff.

Students: 提交 an application

教师/staff: Refer a student through Navigate

问题 & 额外的信息

For additional information or to check on the status of an Emergency Fund application, contact the Center for Student Success.

Appeals for additional aid

Special circumstances or “Change in Family Circumstances” are situations beyond a student’s or family’s control that impacts the information reported on the FAFSA. 在某些情况下, your financial aid award can be reviewed based on new information regarding finances our team did not know at the time the award was created.


  • Extenuating medical expenses
  • Unexpected loss of income
  • Private tuition paid for younger siblings
  • Death of a parent/family member

If you think you might qualify for an appeal, your 父母 should complete a Special Circumstances appeal form.

Download and Complete an Appeal Request